Muscular girl webcam masturbation

Hey there everyone, long time no see. Today I found a rather nice and quite rare video for you all. The title of this post pretty much sums what’s actually in the video but blogs are not only for watching, but also for reading…right? So I need to write something here. Lets do it then. What I particularly like about this clip is that it’s pretty hardcore, not some topless flexing, but a full on masturbation with close ups ! All this done by a girl who’s is top shape. I mean we only get to see not-private-parts of her body, like abs and some back muscles for like a second or so, but that’s enough to see who are we dealing with here….

I found her at Streamate but she may also be active elsewhere, who knows?

Ebony Female Bodybuilder Live

So to day I was thinking that ( not being racist ) we have too much muscular latin women and not enough ebony ones! To fix this problem I’ve prepared a delicious 6 minute video featuring one of the hottest fbb’s of colour on today’s webcam scene – miss H. that is ! Her muscularity is on a whole different level compared to most of her “friends” in the game, just watch:

Yes she is one of hundreds if not thousands of active performers at Streamate and to weed her out of the rest you need to first sign up there, then try using tags to look for models who are “muscular” for example and go from there. Or you can just browse all the 60+ pages of live cams and chances are you’ll find someone new. Miss H. is camming under “muscle” tag on the site.

Amateur muscle woman cam

Today we present you a rare find – a woman who is most likely from the UK. Most of the camgirls are either latinas or from US. This one is 100% British and proud of it. What can I say about her….she is quite new and is online not frequently. But when she is….see what happens:

She is all natural, and frequents gym often. The results are amazing if you need my opinion. Very solid mid section, great separation and also nice arms. I’ve seen her camming on Streamate, but she may do other sites too. If she continues her routine I can see a lot of space for improvement. Not that she looks bad right now or anything. She is also not a teenager anymore and it gets harder to gain quality muscle later in life….which kinda sucks as Im over 40 and know something about it. Anyway, you came here for free muscle girl webcam videos to jerk of too and I delivered just that.

European muscle domme shows boobs

To be honest with you I forgot the exact country this stunning redhead is coming from, but eastern Europe would be my guess. Latvia maybe? To me she is a perfect mix of feminine sexuality and hard muscles. Many muscular women lack a pretty face, even if their bodies are nice and buff, it’s clearly not the case with this girl as she is just plain pretty. Not to mention her boobs….just look at them, they are big and natural, that’s a rare thing among female bodybuilders too! If I had to choose my favourite muscle girl webcam video, this one is surely in my top #5, what do you think ?

Last few words – not everyone is into domme kind of stuff, but if you are then you should know, that this girl is totally into it, and almost all her shows are more or less dommeish.

Ebony female muscle chaturbate

It’s May and it means that, at least in some part of the world the spring begins. The weather outside is nice and people are more likely to spend money and jerk off to female bodybuilders. I don’t need to tell you that at chaturbate they have plenty of them, right? So today’s we present you a woman you probably haven’t seen before – she is a drop dead gorgeous ebony fbb with a physique of a pro. Maybe she is ? Take a look:

What do you think? I bet she’s got more muscle than quite a few guys who dedicated their lives to bodybuilding….The benefits of being black, and I’m not being racist here, just stating the facts. To be honest I am quite jealous as I never had, nor I will ever have a body like her, even if I try. Oh well, life is life and as we get older it’s good to accept few things.

Big muscles latina flexing on cam

While the title pretty much sums it all and there’s no real value in reading this, unforunately I must write something so…here we go. So if any real person is still reading this, let me just say that all this was hand-written with no AI involvement, yay! Today’s girl is yet another muscular latina because why not? This woman’s is currently bulking up hence the big muscles and overall size. I’m afraid her biceps size is bigger than mine, she once said on live chat that she’s eating mostly chicken breast with rice these days with an occasional protein shake added to the mix. What you eat is what you are, they say. I can clearly see she’s taking good care of her diet as well as her workout regime. Oh, and nice boobs btw.

Muscle woman cam

First of all let me apologize for not doing any updates here. I was busy adding new models to the main cam listing and also trying to update the script which this website is using…and failed. Anyway, today’s video is kinda unusual because this girl is totally new and so far no one can tell her name so the video is very fresh. No need to describe how great her physique is because…just look at her. That’s a competition worthy body right there. This blonde milfs physique is beyond great definition, she’s got both mass and definition and she’s also really kinky.

I’ll try to post more of her videos here as I’ve got few more on my hard drive right now. My favourite of all of them is the one where she is doing an upper body workout live on cam, then proceeds to show off her naked, pumped body! Delicioza! Last time I’ve seen a muscle woman who looked no worse ( or even better ) than her was Kyle Camns.

muscle woman abs

In the female muscle world we often tend to get lost looking at either biceps or calves, forgetting about the precious middle section. That is not the case with this video because it ‘s main highlight ( at least for me ) is the marvelous sixpack or let’s just call them good ol’ abs. This horny Colombiana ( Im guessing here ) was recorded during a live chat session over at Chaturbate, and that wasn’t a boring non-nude session, hell no! In fact this athletic brunette pleases us with her delightfully shaved vagina in which she stuck a pink piece of vibrating sex-toy. Take a look:

For me at least, she slays. While she may not be as big as bodybuilder Kylecamns or other women featured here, let’s not forget she isn’t a pro. This girl is just an amateur who loves to hit the gym. And maybe masturbation in front of her cam is another thing she loves. That’d be it for today, I’ll catch you all on the next one!

OnlyFans muscle collection

Here we go again with another installment of our OF muscle girl collection. The previous one was a huge success, in case you missed it, here it is. Due to the fact that OnlyFans quickly became the #1 mainstream adult website in the world, it literally sucked in most of the female bodybuilders/muscle girls who used to do porn @ other websites. The only problem is finding them there with so many people having profiles. So it seems, now you don’t have to visit HerBiceps for your FBB fix, you can subscribe to your favourite HB models at OF. Just saying.

FYI here is a mind blowing thread where most of the onlyfans muscle girl accounts are listed, and it’s also updated.

26.07.2024 *UPDATE*

Since this page is getting some traffic from people looking up “onlyfans muscle” on google and other search engines , I decided to not only update it with a decent all-girl lesbian video from OF but also keep adding stuff here, so come back here after some time, ok?

The girl below I believe is Brandi Mae, a famous online pornstar and bodybuilder, she appeared on many adult websites like (the now abandoned) Aziani and many others….

Check out the onlyfans muscle video collection:


I believe in the future more and more models will move to OF which is both good and scary. The only thing that they still don’t have are webcams, and for these you know which site is the best (ahem, ahem this one ) Some final words : please don’t ask me for each of the videos corresponding OF profile, I can give you a hint though, it’s usually watermarked inside the clip. Surely there are some MuscleBarbie’s videos in the mix, she mastered the art of spamming her profile @ every possible social media that allows NSFW content, and that’s great because she is hot.

Angela Salvagno is powerful

Not often I come across a woman as unique and original as miss Angela. She is a massive powerful milf/mature lady who loves the old school type of aesthetic ie. cosplaying as various comic villain characters and stuff like that. I must say this sort of thing appears better to me than selfies through instagram or onlyfans, but that’s just me. Anyway if you haven’t heard about her until now, you must know she is a legendary webcam model and adult actress who did tons of work for various websites. However the best experience a fan of her can get is to see her live on webcam at Streamate. She is not online everyday, but as I’m writing this, her last broadcast was today so I guess she is still at it! I’ve prepared a cool little photo gallery of miss Angela:

Now that you’ve browsed through her images, how about a video ? You guys are spoiled, back in my days it was hard to find stuff on the internet, and even if you found something you usually had to pay.

For me the best video of her was, now deleted, scene where she ate two McDonalds supersized family meals and started burping loud, then farting. It wasn’t for everyone though, I guess.